Tuesday, May 28, 2013

HttpRuntimeSection Property

HttpRuntimeSection.MinFreeThreads Property

Gets or sets the minimum number of threads that must be free before a request for resources in this configuration scope can be serviced.

The minimum number of free threads in the common language runtime (CLR) thread pool before a request in this configuration scope will be serviced.
The default value is 8.


HttpRuntimeSection.MaxQueryStringLength Property

 You can set this value in a configuration file by setting the maxQueryStringLength attribute of the httpRuntime element

Extremely small values can make a Web site unusable.

The maximum length of the query string, in number of characters.
The default is 2048.

The value of the MaxQueryStringLength property can be any integer, zero or larger. If the length of a query string exceeds the size limit, ASP.NET returns an HTTP 400 (Bad Request) status code.

There is also an IIS setting that controls query string length

HttpRuntimeSection.MaxUrlLength Property

Gets or sets the maximum possible length, in number of characters, of the URL in an HTTP request.
The length of the URL, in number of characters. The default is 260.

You can set this value in a configuration file by setting the MaxUrlLength attribute of the httpRuntime


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