Sunday, June 22, 2014

Thumb rules in choosing endpoint' binding

  • If you require your service to be consumed by clients compatible with SOAP 1.1, use basicHttpBinding for interoperability
  • If you require your service to be consumed within the corporate network, use netTCPBinding for performance
  • If you require your service to be consumed over the internet and the client is a WCF compatible, use wsHttpBinding to reap full benefits of WS* specifications
  • If you require your service to be accessible only in the same machine, use netNamedPipeBinding
  • If you require your service to be queue messages, use netMsmqBinding
  • If you require your service to act as server as well as client in a peer to peer environment, utilise netPeerTcpBinding setting
Security Default Configurable
Transport ProtocolEncoding Default OtherHost
Transport, Message, Mixed
wsHttpBindingMessage, Transport, MixedHTTPText/XML, MTOMIIS, WAS
netTcpBindingTransport, Message, MixedTCPBinaryWAS
netNamedPipeBindingTransport,NoneNamed PipeBinaryWAS
netMsmqBindingMessage, Transport, NoneTCPBinaryWAS

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