Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Name the binders provided by .NET Framework 4.0.

Binders are used by DLR to communicate with not the .NET Framework but also with various other services, such as Silverlight and COM. These services represent language-specific semantics and specify how a particular operation can be performed at the call site.

Call sites refer to the area in the code where logical and mathematical operations, such as a + b or a.b() are performed on dynamic objects.

.NET Framework 4.0 provides the following binders:
  • Object Binder - Enables to communicate with .NET objects.
  • JavaScript Binder - Enables to communicate with JavaScript in Silverlight.
  • Python Binder - Enables to communicate with IronPython.
  • Ruby Binder - Enables to communicate with IronRuby.
  • COM Binder - Enables to communicate with COM.

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