Friday, October 25, 2013

Application life cycle

application life cycle :
whenever a request comes from Client to Server, it will hit HTTP.SYS First.
Now, HTTP.SYS is Responsible for pass the request to particular Application pool.
(Whenever we creates a new Application Pool, the ID of the Application Pool is being generated and it’s registered with the HTTP.SYS. So whenever HTTP.SYS Received the request from any web application, it checks for the Application Pool and based on the application pool it send the request.)
When Application pool receive the request, it simply pass the request to worker process (w3wp.exe) . The workerprocess “w3wp.exe” looks up the URL of the request in order to load the correct ISAPI extension.
When Worker process loads the aspnet_isapi.dll, it start an HTTPRuntime, which is the entry point of an application.
The newly created application domain creates hosting environment, i.e. the ‘HttpRuntime’ object. Once the hosting environment is created, the necessary core ASP.NET objects like ‘HttpContext’ , ‘HttpRequest’ and ‘HttpResponse’ objects are created
After that HttpRuntime load an HttpApplication object
Once ‘HttpApplication’ is created, it starts processing requests.
All the request now passes from  httpModule to  respective HTTPHandler then method and the ASP.NET Page life cycle starts.

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